The 2024 Care Conference was a huge success! Thank you to all who attended in person and virtually. Click here to see event highlights!

Tiffany Boiman

Tiffany Boiman, Deputy Director U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau

Opening Plenary: Exploring the Care Nexus: Intersections of Care, Gender & Racial Inequality

Tiffany Boiman (She/Her) joined the Women’s Bureau as Deputy Director on March 24, 2014, bringing several years of experience working in the area of gender and working women’s issues and a background in research and evaluation, policy analysis and strategic planning. She joins the Women’s Bureau from the Institute for Women’s Policy Research, where she held the position of Senior Outreach and Policy Associate.

Prior to joining IWPR, Ms. Boiman served as the Director of Policy and Programs for Women Work!, the largest national network of education and job training programs for women. She also worked at the National Governors Association, Center for Best Practices, where she provided research and policy analysis to state officials and gubernatorial staff on human services and workforce development topics. In addition, she also spent more than five years at the US Government Accountability Office, researching and evaluating federal workforce development, human services and education programs at the request of Congress.

Ms. Boiman holds a Master of Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School.