The 2024 Care Conference was a huge success! Thank you to all who attended in person and virtually. Click here to see event highlights!


Andrea Velasquez

Associate Professor
University of Colorado Denver
Workshop III: Care, Immigration, and Job Quality

Darrick Hamilton

Founding Director
The Institute on Race, Power, and Political Economy at The New School
Closing Plenary: Crafting Solutions: Unblocking Progress toward Gender and Racial Economic Equity

Faith Wiggins

1199 SEIU Funds Home Care Industry Education Funds
Workshop III: Care, Immigration, and Job Quality

Haeyoung Yoon

Senior DIrector of Policy and Advocacy
National Domestic Workers Alliance
Closing Plenary: Crafting Solutions: Unblocking Progress toward Gender and Racial Economic Equity

Julia Gelatt

Associate Director
Migration Policy Institute
Workshop III: Care, Immigration, and Job Quality

Julie Kashen

Director of Women's Economic Justice and Senior Fellow
The Century Foundation
Closing Plenary: Crafting Solutions: Unblocking Progress toward Gender and Racial Economic Equity

Robyn Watson Ellerbe

Chief Strategy Officer
MC for the Care Conference

Roy A. Thompson

Postdoctoral Fellow
Sinclair School of Nursing, University of Missouri
Workshop III: Care, Immigration, and Job Quality

Sarah Christa Butts

Director of Public Policy
National Association of Social Workers
Workshop II: The Undervaluation of Care Work in Human Services